Water Supply

The cost of the hot and cold water supply to your apartment is included within your service charge.  

Emergency shut-off

The levers to turn off the hot, cold and chilled water supplies can be found in the ceiling panel immediately outside your apartment front door.  In the event of a leak being discovered that requires a water supply to be isolated you should turn off the appropriate supply to your apartment immediately and before contacting a plumber.

See stopcocks

 If you are in any doubt, please contact your Concierge or Security.   

Preventing Legionella

Stagnant water favours Legionella growth and the risk of legionnaires disease. At Canary Riverside trace heating helps to ensure hot water is kept above 55C.

If you are away for more than a week then flush all your taps for a minimum of 5 minutes, and flush out infrequently used outlets (including showerheads and taps). If your flat is being left vacant you might want to shut the water supply off (see above), drain the taps and turn off the trace heating. This also eliminates the risk of water leaks from your apartment while it is vacant. When restoring the water supplies ensure you flush through all taps for at least 5 minutes - including shower heads. For more information on the risks and prevention of legionella see here.